Vision & Mission

The school is committed to inspiring students to achieve the highest standards of intellectual and personal development through a stimulating and comprehensive program. Within a caring, respectful, multicultural environment, the school is committed to foster positive relationships instilling in each student a desire to learn, to take appropriate risks, and to accept challenges to reach their full potential and create a positive legacy for the future.
To put to use innovative techniques to enhance life long learning through technology, the multiple intelligences, varied instructional strategies, and interdisciplinary units at the same time being adaptive to the changing needs of time.
To make the students good readers and communicators because words spoken and written would be the building blocks of their lives.
To spot out our sports talents and provide all necessary facilities to train them properly so as to enable them to compete with world champions with no feelings of diffidence.
To garner to the best values of the Indian tradition and other culture and to use it to nurture growth, respect, responsibility, and productivity by celebrating our diversity within a positive school-wide atmosphere and by promoting sportsmanship, school spirit, and to take pride to all form of accomplishments.
To provide a climate of expectation and success to all pupils so as to set realistic targets and then given every assistance in achieving them so as to make them focus on a successful career
Encourage students to develop sound ethical values and exposing them to modern and technologically driven environment. Thereby strengthening our rich heritage and developing human potential towards the betterment of society To develop a sense of community awareness while being conscious of their responsibility and role towards the society .
Our mission, through combined effort of staff, parents, students, and community, is to provide students with a foundation in basic skills to create an environment that harbours tolerance and respect for each other, and to spark an attitude of inquiry and an enthusiasm for learning that will enable our children to become productive, responsible, citizens.
To have the teachers as facilitators with high professional commitment as well as reinforcing them through professional development programs.
To provide a range of enrichment activities to excel in their unique talents and support them beyond the normal school day to enhance pupil achievement .
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