
Post Box No.7, Shantivan P.0., Abu Road - 307510

Phone Number

7232846846/ 8690372113 /8690592113



The curriculum has been designed to nurture multiple Intelligences like linguistic or verbal intelligence, logical, mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, musical, intra-personal intelligence and inter personal intelligence.
The Primary curriculum aims to provide on board learning experience and encourages a rich variety of approaches to teaching and learning that cater for the different needs of individual children. It is designed to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life.
The emphasis is on :
Concept formation, reasoning skills, problem solving and creative thinking. Integration of technology in teaching and learning.
Learning beyond the text books – Integrating concepts of different subjects – to enhance collaboration, creativity.
Developing qualities of leadership along with creative and aesthetic skills.
Assessment is continuous and comprehensive. The objective is to assess the students understanding of the subject and the ability to apply knowledge, rather than rote learning.
The core academic curriculum includes – English – as the 1st Language, Hindi as 2nd Language, Sanskrit as 3rd Language from Class-V onwards, Maths, Environmental Science, Science, Social Science, Computer Science.
Holistic development of each student is achieved through specially selected Extracurricular Activities.
Co scholastic subjects like- Art and Craft Music,Dance,Value Education, Sports Activities, Life Skill activities etc. are included to have all round development of the students which play a vital role in the Personality Development of each and every student through various activities conducted throughout the academic year, The students are given opportunities to have hands on experience while learning the concepts. Projects and class tasks are assigned keeping the learning goals in mind.
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