
The Secondary School is a pivotal chapter in any student’s life as it helps them make important decisions regarding their future career choices. This is the place where the students thoroughly explores their interests to choose the various subjects for their higher secondary education. Secondary Schools cover classes 9th and 10th. Secondary classes transact the prescribed syllabus and all the examination patterns as per the CBSE guidelines
The school curriculum at this point comprises Languages, Mathematics, Social Science, Sciences and Computer Application. The CBSE syllabus and concepts are designed to challenge the learner and test their aptitude in them. Students become more used to a high-paced form of learning and get introduced to complex concepts. These two years are important as they help shape their fundamental concepts regarding these subjects that can help them make a better decision for their future.
During Secondary School education, we believe in developing each student into a: Life Long Learner – who interrogates, reflects preserves and assumes responsibilities for his/her own learning. Inspiring Leader – to work effectively in teams, to be innovative, to take initiative and experimental skills to be well equipped to adopt the role of 21st Century learners.
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